Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Rock Who Skipped-revised :-)

A man skipped a rock.
It skidded across 
The surface of the pond-

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Of course, it sank;
Ran out of strength.

But as the man watched,
He praised the Rock of
Ages who walked
The waves, and sought Him
For Salvation.

The Rock behaved as stone,
Sank to depths unknown,
Yet dragged my sin below-

Christ, my joy today,
Skips with joy this way.

He drowned sin's woe
In fire, hell's sulpher home.
 Praise the Lord, my soul!
I'm not drowned, but washed, whole,
And clothed in whitest robe
Of Salvation.

Sing His praises, and lift
The Rock of Ages who sifts
Our sins away and gives-

He gives! He laughs, sings,
And plays the wind's strings!

The Rock, He skips,
And the joy on His lips
Is the strength which gripped
My sin and stripped me of it
For Salvation

He's coming; the great
And awesome Name
Who reigns, unchained-


Death could not keep down
The King and His crown.

Oh, enter His gates,
Lay hold of His claim,
Center your praise,
Walk on the waves with the Rock,
Of Salvation.

written by: Carolyn-Elizabeth Roehrig